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Last Updated: 08/2017











Academic Star
"Specialized Tutoring And Review"
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What we do... What we do not do...
We offer free diagnostic tests and/or free subject specific assessment tests to identify a student's strengths and weaknesses. We do not charge $50.00 to $250.00 for each assessment test.
We offer free and open enrollment, and there are no application fees or any other hidden fees. We do not charge $30.00 to $100.00 in application fees.
We offer private (one-on-one), individualized tutoring. We do not place your child in a group with anywhere from 4 to 8 other students.
We believe a student should commit to a regular schedule to obtain the best results, so we work together with the parents to come up with the best plan possible. We do not commit parents to a long-term contract, which obligates both them, and their child to a very formal, uncompromising plan designed by the tutoring center.
We work on improving the student's academic performance in school, so that the grades and understanding of current subject material begins to improve immediately. We do not enroll students in a program which consists of workbooks and worksheets that intentionally place students far below their level, so that they may "feel successful" while disregarding their current academic responsibilities.
We use the private tutoring sessions to focus on helping students with their current schoolwork including homework and preparing for exams. We provide supplemental material and assign extra problems for students to work on at home to fill the gaps that have not allowed them to perform successfully at their current level. We do not use tutoring sessions to have the students do assignments in their workbooks and complete worksheets that are then immediately graded by the tutor and "if not completed with a perfect score within a prescribed period of time", returned to the student to do again.
We guarantee that our students will start to significantly improve their grades after just the first few sessions. As a result they will start to feel better about themselves as their command of the subject material solidifies. We do not offer or condone the following guarantee; that a student will increase by one "level" within 32 hours (4 months on a twice a week schedule) when that "level" is defined by the tutoring center.
We try to help the student attain success as quickly as possible. The goal of teaching should be to enable the student to get along without the teacher. We do not require that students score 100% on everything they do three times before moving on to the next level. This is a delay tactic to extend the length of the contract.